The development of vehicle thermal signatures for modeling and simulation efforts of missile-borne sever development has traditionally been a complex and time-consuming process. Additionally, scene-rendering technologies used in these missile-based performance assessments have traditionally treated these vehicles as rigid models, both thermally and mechanically. Torch proposes the development of a process which leverages modern passive thermal simulation techniques as well as the development of new high-fidelity active thermal simulation models to rapidly generate predictive vehicle signatures. Torch also proposes a process to allow for the runtime modeling of both thermal and mechanical interactions of the vehicle with the terrain. These processes will include new thermal models for 3D conduction and air flow to include convection and advection as well as dynamic models to account for vehicle motion such as suspension loading and induced body roll, pitch, and yaw. This process will incorporate recent advancements in thermal simulation using massively parallel compute architectures such as multicore PCs, GPGPUs, and HPC systems.