Near Real-Time Quantification of Stochastic Model Parameters
Award last edited on: 1/8/2015

Sponsored Program
Awarding Agency
DOD : Army
Total Award Amount
Award Phase
Solicitation Topic Code
Principal Investigator
William J Browning

Company Information

Applied Mathematics Inc

1622 Route 12 Po Box 637
Gales Ferry, CT 06335
   (860) 464-7259

Research Institution


Phase I

Contract Number: ----------
Start Date: ----    Completed: ----
Phase I year
Phase I Amount
Mathematical models of physical and biological systems contain parameters that need to be estimated from measured data. Models with parameters distributed probabilistically require the estimates of a probability measure over the set of admissible parameters. We propose to use frequentist-based approaches for non-parametrically estimating probability measures that describe the distribution of parameters across all members of a given population in the case where only aggregate longitudinal data are available. We will investigate least squares method combined with delta function approximation methods or linear spline approximation methods or other plausible approximation methods in order to achieve the convergence required for near real-time estimation. Project tasks are to survey existing techniques and select non-Bayesian candidate methods for near-real-time estimation of probabilistic parameters; develop theoretical and computational ideas to validate capability for describing near-real-time parameters; develop general methodology for near-real-time quantification of stochastic model parameters; analyze proposed methodology to include bias and convergence properties of estimators; conduct proof-of-concept 3D computations of the proposed methodology; and prepare final report and periodic progress reports.

Stochastic Parameter Estimation, Non-Parametric Estimation, Uncertainty Quantification, Least Squares Method

Phase II

Contract Number: ----------
Start Date: ----    Completed: ----
Phase II year
Phase II Amount
Mathematical models of physical and biological systems contain parameters that need to be estimated from measured data. Models with parameters distributed probabilistically require the estimates of a probability measure over the set of admissible parameters. We propose to use frequentist-based approaches for non-parametrically estimating probability measures that describe the distribution of parameters across all members of a given population in the case where only aggregate longitudinal data are available. We will develop mathematical models for specific biological and physical systems of current interest to U.S. Army Natick Soldier Research, Development and Engineering Center (NSRDEC), estimate model parameters, and quantify and propagate uncertainty in these systems. Software implementing the algorithms will be developed for use in real-time estimation.

Stochastic Parameter Estimation, Non-Parametric Estimation, Uncertainty Quantification, Real-Time Quantification