Self Repairing and Self Sensing Multifunctional Composites
Award last edited on: 5/6/2015

Sponsored Program
Awarding Agency
DOD : Army
Total Award Amount
Award Phase
Solicitation Topic Code
Principal Investigator
Carolyn Dry

Company Information

Natural Process Design Inc (AKA: NPD)

1250 East 8th Street
Winona, MN 55987
   (507) 452-1125
Location: Single
Congr. District: 01
County: Winona

Phase I

Contract Number: ----------
Start Date: ----    Completed: ----
Phase I year
Phase I Amount
The proposed innovation is a multifunctional smart self sensing and self repairing composite that provides shielding. It addresses the two basic risk issues that are constraining composite use: durability and confidence in repairs so that uncertainty and risk are reduced. Self-sensing/self-repairing composites eliminate the risks by repairing automatically without manual intervention, by giving assurance of damage detection, repair accomplishment and by protecting against severe damage such as ballistics, em pulses. Since much damage needs instant repair, self repairing is required; since there is usually no monitoring and no visible traces , a self sensing system is desired and since em pulses and ballistic attacks are so devastating, shielding is required. This innovation is a multifunctional smart material that has three functions using one form and is smart because it can repair without human intervention and can sense what has happened and act for self preservation.

Self-Repair, Self-Sense, Composite, Fibers, Shield, Damage, Heal, Multifunctional

Phase II

Contract Number: ----------
Start Date: ----    Completed: ----
Phase II year
Phase II Amount
Most composite armor systems are vlunerable to the damage if there are repeated attacks on the materials because the materials absorb the energy by breaking up internally. The next impact event can be disastrous. Even the most protective have plies which delaminate and fiber weaves that break, and when this material strength is lost, the armor loses protective value agaisnt penetration. This Phase II SBIR proposal suggests continuing on the path of commercialization while doing further development of self repairing and sensing armor systems for the Army’s building panels. Self repair chemicals reattach the internal composite armor plies and fibers and repair the damage by repairng (bonding) it back together. This approach restores stregnth lost by a ballsitic impact and is seen as valuable by the commercial armor producers. In the Phase II SBIR, NPD seeks to keep those functions, which find such interest by companies, while improving the armor further by strengthening the fiber aspect and adding chemistry functionalities.

Self-Repair, Self-Sense, Composite, Armor, Ballistic, Impact, Emi, Multifunctional