HgCdTe based IR detectors are used in critical military thermal imaging systems and free-space communication. A key component for stealth defense is the megapixel IRFPAs used for fighter aircraft. A significant aspect inhibiting widespread use of HgCdTe for LWIR and VLWIR detectors is the difficulty of obtaining suitably matched large-diameter substrates. Czochralski grown InSb substrates show promise as a substrate for HgCdTe deposition. An opportunity exists to establish a novel proof-of-concept epitaxial growth of HgCdTe on domestic 150mm InSb substrates for use in advanced LWIR/VLWIR FPA applications. The Phase I program will focus on âepi-readyâ InSb surface development to facilitate routine HgCdTe MBE growth. Interface stability (InTe precipitates, In pooling) will be examined. The critical milestone will be the demonstration of HgCdTe epi on InSb with EPD
Keywords: Hgcdte Epi, Large Diameter Insb, Antimonide Substrates, Irfpa, Focal Plane Array, Lwir, Mwir, Vlwir