Chaotic modulation techniques represent a new paradigm for communication systems. Unlike conventional sequences, chaotic spreading codes can be generated for any number of users and allocated bandwidth. The development of a chaotic modulator and demodulator for SATCOM communication systems will allow the Warfighter with the capability of increased Beyond Line of Sight (BLOS) bandwidth as well as a greatly reduced chance of unfriendly signal detection and interception. TCI''s vision of the end state of this research is twofold: 1) a drop in, militarized satellite modem product which adapts existing links to use chaotic modulation, and 2) a turn-key design and simulation capability to enable the quick and efficient introduction of this technology in new, custom, and retrofit designs. In both cases, TCI and its collaborators will introduce cognitive radio and software defined radio techniques to ensure that the best modulation technique and parameters are chosen at run time for a given link.
Keywords: Chaotic Satellite Communications, Chaotic Waveforms, Chaotic Sequences, Chaotic Satcom, Chaotic Modulation, Satcom, Lpi, Lpd