Lasers based upon rod architectures offer a simple and rugged method for amplifying an Ultra-Short Pulse (USP) duration laser pulse at moderate powers. When paired with a chirped pulse amplifier (CPA) chain, greater system flexibility and capabilities are realized. This proposal provides solutions to overcome the technical challenges when combining the two techniques in high repetition rate operation by utilizing innovative designs and material solutions. The objective of this Phase 1 proposed effort is to develop a detailed design for a diode-pumped rod amplifier head for USP Yb:YAG lasers that is compatible with a CPA chain. The expected deliverable from this proposed research and development effort is to present candidate design technologies and the expected performance characteristics obtained via modeling, simulation or other mathematical methods to facilitate the decision for Phase II prototype construction.
Keywords: Ultra-Short Pulse (Usp) Laser, Diode-Pumped, Rod, Chirped Pulse Amplified