Development of Shock Wave Magnetic Flux Compression Generators
Award last edited on: 4/18/2019

Sponsored Program
Awarding Agency
DOD : Army
Total Award Amount
Award Phase
Solicitation Topic Code
Principal Investigator
Bruce Freeman

Company Information

Raytheon KTech (AKA: KTech Corporation)

10800 Gibson SE
Albuquerque, NM 87123
   (505) 998-5830
Location: Multiple
Congr. District: 01
County: Bernalillo

Phase I

Contract Number: ----------
Start Date: ----    Completed: ----
Phase I year
Phase I Amount
This SBIR proposal is intended to address the experimental development of Shock Wave magnetic flux compression Generators (SWGs) for applications to be used in the US Army’s multifunction munitions. The US Army requires high-energy density power supplies that are capable of functioning properly in high G environments. Conventional magnetic flux compression generators (FCGs) probably cannot be adequately hardened to operate under these circumstances. However, a variant of the FCG technology, namely shock wave flux compression generators (SWGs) hold the promise for being able to survive the high G launch needs of the US Army. These generators work by using the phase change of a working material under strong shock conditions to perform work on a magnetic field. To date, the only experimental research appears to use implosion systems to create high magnetic fields. However, for SWGs to become useful power supplies, divergent geometries must be shown to be able to compress the magnetic fields. We intend to develop the SWG for the Army’s directed energy applications. While the hydrodynamic computer codes CTH and ALE3D will be used, the emphasis will be on the experimental testing of the generator designs, differing working materials, and various explosives. Thus, within the Phase I of this effort, SWGs will be designed, fabricated, and dynamically tested. If appropriate, a second set of tests will be performed during the Option period. Phase II development will examine the use of SWGs to power directed energy devices of interest to the US Army. Phase III development will extend this effort by working with the US Army and its contractors to provide useful solutions for Army requirements.

Magnetic Flux Compression Generator,Shock Wave Flux Compression Generator,Compact High-G Power Supplies, Explosive-Driven Power Supplies, Insulator To Metallic Transition Mate

Phase II

Contract Number: ----------
Start Date: ----    Completed: ----
Phase II year
Phase II Amount
Explosive pulsed power is currently being developed for use as single shot power supplies in advanced munitions. These explosive pulsed power devices include Magnetic Flux Compression Generators (FCGs), Ferroelectric Generators (FEGs), and Ferromagnetic Generators (FMGs). With the possible exception of the FMG, these generators probably cannot be built to survive the high G-force environments of munitions. Shock Wave Generators (SWGs) are very similar to flux compression generators, with the exception that magnetic field compression occurs within a material such as aluminum powder, with its insulation oxide coating, or other suitable dielectric or semiconductor that becomes conducting under the influence of a strong shock. FCGs function with a void in the inductive volume, usually filled with air or a specific gas such as sulfur hexafluoride. Thus, a conventional FCG usually has a coaxial aluminum tube, armature, which is filled with explosive within the outer housing or stator. This, configuration is intrinsically very difficult or impossible to harden to high G loads, >10,000 Gs. Further, FCGs have additional possible disadvantages, including instabilities (e.g., Rayleigh-Taylor) and several loss mechanisms including clocking flux losses, nonlinear diffusion, and so on that can lead to large losses when even moderate G loads result in small displacements.

Magnetic Flux Compression Generators (Fcgs), Ferroelectric Generators (Fegs), And Ferromagnetic Generators (Fmgs)