Micro Solid State Low Light Level Camera
Award last edited on: 3/25/2009

Sponsored Program
Awarding Agency
DOD : Army
Total Award Amount
Award Phase
Solicitation Topic Code
Principal Investigator
Bruce Willy

Company Information

Fairchild Imaging Inc

1841 Zanker Road Suite 50
San Diego, CA 95112
   (650) 479-5749
Location: Single
Congr. District: 19
County: Santa Clara

Phase I

Contract Number: ----------
Start Date: ----    Completed: ----
Phase I year
Phase I Amount
There is a distinct need to replace the current Gen III image intensifier imaging system with a solid state low light level camera. Fairchild Imaging has been working (SBIR A04-116) on an innovative hybrid CCD/ CMOS approach that combines the best of CCD imaging characteristics (high quantum efficiency, low dark current, excellent uniformity and low cross talk) with the high speed, low power, and ultra-low read noise of the active pixel CMOS readout technology via indium bumps. To date we have demonstrated excellent imagery from full day light down to quarter moon light level performance with acceptable MRC performance. Additional technology enhancements such as modifications to the serial shift register on the CCD, a ROIC designed on 0.18um design rules and changes to the indium bump process will improve MTF and SNR as well as reduce read noise and improve the overall performance of the camera. With the implementation of these performance enhancements to the existing low light level camera expect to see a solid state low light level imager with comparable or better Gen III performance.

Uncooled, low power (150mWatts) man-portable low light level imaging solution. Applications for night vision goggles, rifle sights, night vision pilotage, night driving, scientific imaging.

Solid state low light level TV camera, CCD, frame transfer CCD, active reset CMOS, CMOS, image intensification, night vision,

Phase II

Contract Number: ----------
Start Date: ----    Completed: ----
Phase II year
Phase II Amount
Continuous improvements in solid state low light level imaging have led to various approaches in meeting the demanding light level imaging requirements for night vision. Recent improvements in CMOS technology have provided the basis for a monolithic CMOS Imaging Sensor (CIS) that meets those demanding requirements. Powered by a multi-billion dollar consumer market, where performance requirements can be equally demanding as those for military applications in terms of pixel size, power and sensitivity, this low light level CIS technology is advancing at an accelerated pace. To image with high definition under overcast starlight level conditions, low dark current, high NIR sensitivity and low read noise are mandatory. With new CMOS technology break throughs and system-on-chip integration the proposed monolithic CMOS sensor shall provide an electronic equivalent of the Gen III I2 tube with digital video output and a production volume cost of less than $500.

Solid State Low Light Level Camera, Cmos, Monolithic Cmos, Low-Power Cmos, Night Vision, Cmos Imaging Sensor (Cis), Solid State Night Vision Sensor