The eye is extremely sensitive to laser radiation and can be permanently damaged from direct or reflected beams. In the military environments, laser injuries may be a result of battlefield laser rangefinders, target designators, or enemy action. Individuals involved in high energy laser research or medical therapeutic lasers are also at risk from direct and reflected laser radiation. One possible result from laser irradiation is subretinal neovascular membranes on the macula, which are particularly debilitating. A procedure known as photodynamic therapy (PDT) is used to treat these abnormal membranes. Today, a system does not exist that can perform both the imaging of the retina and the treatment. One effect is that pre-surgical planning and precise application of the therapeutic laser are not optimal. The goal of this proposed project is to treat more precisely the affected area. With todays digital imaging system, especially as implemented in scanning laser ophthalmoscopes (SLOs) and with high speed image processing algorithms, we will devise a system whereby all the steps leading to the laser therapy are integrated into one diagnostic and treatment device, thereby decreasing the risk of unintended damage to the retina, unwanted visual loss, and possibly improving the outcome of the treatment.