Parallel Path Magnetic Technology, PPMT, is a breakthrough technology that uses permanent magnets in a novel way resulting in a greatly enhanced electrical power generation system. High efficiencies and power densities are achieved by the utilization of two cooperating commutation systems, electrical and magnetic and two sources of flux electrical and permanent magnet. The electrical flux source is placed in series with the external electrical load and when controlled by the dual commutation system provides a cooperating `motor effect' that results in reduced generator `drag'. The proposed PPMT generator is a brush less hybrid generator with all of the active elements, coils and rare earth permanent magnets mounted on the stator. The rotor, composed of silicon steel, commutates the flux thru the coils in a proper sequence. The second commutation system, either optical or hall sensors, determines which coils supply power to the external load. This commutation system allows for great flexibility in controlling the quantity of the delivered electrical power, thereby reducing the component count in the power regulator. The proposed PPMT generator offers huge advantages over conventional power generation systems as will be demonstrated in the submitted technical proposal