The long-term goal of this research program is to develop innovative smart structures that are lightweight, highly resilient, damage tolerant, and fatigue resistant with embedded sensors and active elements. The project is based on pioneer research conducted by our team in the area of Strategically Tuned Absolutely Resilient Structures (STARS) and we intend to develop a unique blend of structural materials with improved mechanical properties; and, quantitative models for predicting both the static and dynamic responses and the remaining useful life of structures built from these materials. Our work addresses the fundamental relationships between the structure of our composites and their mechanical properties as influenced by composition, processing, environment, stress state, and loading rate. During Phase II, we will implement the technology and fabricate a complex structural system containing sensors embedded into plate and beam elements that are reinforced with carbon fiber mesh and/or tendons. We plan to demonstrate the systemÃs viability and superiority under a wide variety of conditions typical of both normal and extreme operating conditions. We expect to develop structural analysis software to analyze this new class of composites and demonstrate scaleable manufacturing technology during production of our test articles.
Keywords: Stars (Strategically Tuned Absolutely Resilient Structures), Graphite Reinforced Composites, Diagnostic/Prognostic, Smart Structures, Embedded Sensors