The objective of this project is to develop a broadband wireless network for seamless integration with existing hard-wired range communication networks. We will take a modeling and simulation approach in our design, capitalizing on powerful communication and networking simulation software such as OPNET and Matlab. We will perform extensive radio link performance and capacity analysis, covering frequency planning, co-channel interference and other multi-cell deployment issues. We will develop a suite of software modules tailored for range communication network simulation and analysis. We identity and implement suitable security mechanism for the proposed wireless network, and investigate possible integration with the MIMO technology to seek further rate/capacity improvement. The proposed wireless network will be integrated with the fixed hard-wired range network, and extensive laboratory and field test will be performed. A prototype network will be delivered to the Army technical POC at the conclusion of this Phase II effort. The prototype will consist of multiple mobile wireless nodes and fixed optical nodes, and can be used in laboratory experiments and testing. A detailed instruction manual will accompany the prototype system.
Keywords: Wireless Network, Optical Network, Digitization Of Range