Phase II year
(last award dollars: 2016)
Phase II Amount
In Phase I of this SBIR project, novel acousto-optic (AO) sensors were developed that offered many advantages over current state-of-the-art AO sensors. These sensors were used to demonstrate feasibility of a simple, fast and low-cost method for NDE of fielded structures. The proposed Phase II work will build on the success of Phase I to refine the AO sensor concepts and the methodologies for applying them for NDE of fielded structures. A prototype NDE system will be developed for a targeted NDE application within the Army platforms.
Benefits: There is a significant potential for the proposed work to address the health monitoring needs of the aviation and other structures within the Department of Defense and private aerospace industry.
Keywords: Ultrasonic NDE, Composite Inspection, Health Monitoring, Nondestructive Testing, Acoustography