AcuSoft proposes to research and develop a database correlation tool to maximize the reusability of existing and future Computer Generated Forces Terrain databases and to improve upon current terrain database correlation methods. In the Phase I effort, AcuSoft will 1) Study simulation database formats used by ModSAF, ITEMS, and ATCON, 2) Formulateand show feasibility of an effective methodology, using SEDRIS, to convert and correlate ModSAF terrain databases with ITEMS and ATCOM database formats, and 3) Develop and demonstrate a functioning prototype software tool that can support database conversions and correlation testing. AcuSoft's research will emphasize the automation aspect of the correlation process. The methodology and tool developed for this effortwill allow ModSAF, ITEMS and ATCOM users to evaluate database correlations rapidly. In addition, AcuSoft's proposed correlation methodologywould cover all Synthetic Environment issues addressed by SEDRIS, including terrain, atmosphere, EM, etc., that concern CGF interoperability. The goal is to produce a tool that can be 1) used by CGF users to check the correlation of simulation databases, and 2) used by database producers to produce SEDRIS databases readily usable by various CGF systems. This proposed Phase I effort will re-use software developed during AcuSoft's on-going SEDRIS development efforts.
Benefits: The DoDM&S community will benefit from having a SEDRIS-based database correlation tool. This tool will help various CGF simulations achieve higherlevels of interoperability through correlated databases. Commercial database and simulation developers will equally benefit from the technology developed under this effort.