The efficiency and productivity of collaborative efforts among CAD designers who utilize specialized best-of-breed commercial software design and analysis tools is severely hampered by a host of daunting challenges, including incompatible geometries, data formats and representational mechanisms compounded by inconsistent (or absent) schemes for maintaining relationships between geometric entities during import/export operations. TACOM is developing the Automotive Product Development Framework (APDF), which will solve many of these issues by creating a novel common reference geometry in which all relevant model constraint boundaries can be stored. This geometry will enable key model data to be exchanged with a variety of commercial CAD software systems. During SBIR A98-080 Phase I, the feasibility was demonstrated of developing an enhanced version of AeroHydro's proven Relational Geometry surface modeling product for use as the core engine of the Geometry Exchange Manager (GEM), a key enabling component of the APDF. During Phase II a detailed plan will be constructed, including schedule and cost, for the development of a commercial software middleware product based on Relational Geometry that will enable the GEM to perform all functions necessary to successfully play its key role in the APDF. In addition, a product prototype will be developed to demonstrate key functions and capabilities.
Benefits: The deliverables from this project phase will have direct application in a variety of DoD projects including the Army vehicle design programs. In the commercial sector, they will provide the core enabling technology of a collaborative design product that will revolutionize the $4B commercial 3-D CAD modeling software market. Conservative estimates of the market for this new product suggest an annual sales potential of $50M with annual growth in excess of 40%.