Tools for Hyperspectral Evaluation of Signature Managed Materials
Award last edited on: 4/24/2007

Sponsored Program
Awarding Agency
DOD : Army
Total Award Amount
Award Phase
Solicitation Topic Code
Principal Investigator
Mohammad Panahandeh

Company Information

Berkeley Applied Science and Engineering Inc (AKA: BASE~BASE Energy, Inc)

5 Third Street Suite 630
Berkeley, CA 94103
   (415) 543-1600
Location: Single
Congr. District: 11
County: San Francisco

Phase I

Contract Number: DAAE07-99-C-L032
Start Date: 12/18/1998    Completed: 12/23/2000
Phase I year
Phase I Amount
As the application of advanced composites expands and new material systems are introduced and as the severity of mechanical, thermal, and environmental loading conditions increases, the analyses of durability,damage evaluation and failure of these structures under static and dynamic conditions becomes more and more important. It is the specific objective of this research: 1. To develop a global-local engineering methodology using homogenization theory for obtaining a model with varying degrees of fidelity that effectively describes the dynamic responseof structures composed of periodic media, 2. To couple the global-local homogenization models of composite structures with local heterogeneous damage models and showing the practical feasibility of embedding different damage models into the coupled global local dynamic analysis,and 3. To incorporate the global-local dynamic models and local damage models into an existing finite element program and to analyze benchmark problems of impulsively-loaded structures which are of interest tothe Army to assess the accuracy of the developed analysis tool.

The need for a robust composite structure design and an analysis tool capable of predicting the integrity of composite structures during impact or impulsive loading events exits in both commercial and military vehicle sectors. The software developed during this research will provide a practical tool for military designers, commercial designers, and manufacturers of composite materials to analyze and design lightweight composite vehicle bodies. Numerous ranges of other applications will also greatly benefit from this package.

Phase II

Contract Number: DAAE07-01-C-L022
Start Date: 4/20/2001    Completed: 4/20/2003
Phase II year
Phase II Amount
Modern Army vehicles require durable, modular, lightweight structures with high survivability armor integration. Application of smart structure concepts combined with advanced composite materials offer the potential for a new series of structural systems to meet these requirements. During Phase I of the project the accurate modeling of advanced composites at multi-scale levels was demonstrated. It is the objective of this phase to combine smart structure concepts with Phase I results to develop a software for Army engineers to use in their design of next generation Army smart structure vehicles. The specific technical objectives of the Phase II are

Smart Structutre Homogenization Actuator Vibration Control Composite Sensor Damage Micromechanics