We plan to build a portable stress-wave measurement device for sonic and ultrasonic wave speeds and resonant modes, suitable for rapid military pavement evaluation. Specific Phase I tasks will target three areas. 1) We will prototype robust battery operated hardware. This includes a wind-insensitive accelerometer mounting that accommodates grooved pavement topography, low power electronics with transducer conditioning and A/D, and a solenoid source with integral accelerometer for impact echo and core resonance testing. 2) We will conduct theoretical and field studies to optimize source-receiver placement and interpretation software. This includes 3-D finite element models of grooved airfields to estimate methodology accuracy and test interpretation methods, and field tests on slabs to optimize receiver spacings for pavements ranging from concrete runways to thin asphalt overlays. 3) We will collect information on military field test procedures and database requirements to design and prototype software for the ultrasonic testing device.
Benefits: Potential applications include construction quality control or post-construction testing and monitoring of highways, airfields, foundations, piers, or bridge-decks.
Keywords: Pavements Nondestructive Evaluation Stress-Wave Testing