Conventional, current generation, nuclear (tritium) lamps areemployed in many DoD applications. The Army uses these lamps infire-control applications among others. DoD currently has over 1 millioncuries of tritium in use in these lamps. The Army has been under pressurefrom the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission for several years, due to theproblems created when conventional lamp breakage occurs. Self-luminousmicrospheres would provide an answer to NRC's safety concerns and alsoprovide a significant cost savings to DoD due to the reduced amount oftritium required for any given replacement lamp design incorporatingself-luminous microspheres. Tritium is $3.19/curie. Many new DoDapplications and possibilities will result from the envisioned safer,improved light source. Encapsulight, Inc. and Encapsulight's unique teampropose to develop an innovative and unique new machine technology thatwill provide Encapsulight, Inc. with the capability to produce theenvisioned safer, improved light source, radioluminescent microspheres.