This project will identify, develop, and demonstrate opticsoptimized for head mounted displays. Al potential approaches will beexplored, but special attention will be given to a holographic opticalconcept developed at the University of Central Florida (UCF). Thisholographic approach promises to provide the combination of compact size,high performance, affordability, light-weight, and manufacturability neededfor many head mounted display applications useful to the individualsoldier. Phase I will result in an analysis of the UCF approach and of moreconventional approaches. These analyses will include the effects ofinteraction with various image generating devices. In addition to reports,this project will generate simple prototype exhibits of the most promisingoptical concept. Phase II will take the optical design determined to beoptimal during Phase I and produce a working display prototype. Thisprototype will be capable of operating with both computer and video inputs.In addition, the prototype will be evaluated for utility to Army needs.