An azimuth orienting system is proposed for indirect fire towedartillery and mortar weapon systems based on an enhancement of existingfiber optic gyroscope (FOG) technology configured into a north findersystem. The north finder in operation would use its FOG rate sensor(s) todetermine the Earth's rotation vector in a local horizontal plane. Thedirection of the vector in this plane points to true north. This technologyprovides a direct true north orientation which is independent of weather,blockage, and jamming, an advantage which other technologies such asmagnetic compass and GPS cannot claim. The Phase I effort will define abaseline specification for a north finder based on FOG technology and theweapon system requirements, determine the optimal configuration of a northfinder system, determine methods for coupling the reference orientation tothe weapon system, and demonstrate the feasibility of extending theexisting technology performance, in both FOG sensors and FOG based northfinders, to meet the accuracy/time requirements of the weapon systemapplication.