A hierarchical dual-function terrain data set must bedesigned to ensure rapid access to complex data structures, allowfor frequent data modification and be compatible with existingGeographical Information System (GIS) applications. Althoughwidely used, conventional database management systems haveshortcomings in their ability to handle geographic informationefficiently. An object-oriented database (OODB) design isproposed for the development of a hierarchical dual-functionterrain data set. To prove the feasibility of this approach,tasks are outlined that together will develop and test acompilation strategy that will convert an existing data set intoan object-based data set. In addition, the concept of providingthe OODB the ability to convert itself into a format compatiblewith existing GIS applications is explored. The enhanced speedand flexibility of an OODB promises to find widespread use in thegrowing commercial and government GIS market. Data developmentand maintenance costs will decrease due to the increasedportability and natural extensibility of the OODB inaccommodating new data types such as multimedia.