Applications of thermoplastic composite technology have been limited by the lack of manufacturing equipment for thermoplastic matrix impregnation. The objective of this program is to develop an in-line thermoplastic matrix impregnation module which can be used with existing automated composite manufacturing systems designed for thermoset materials. Target applications include automated processes like filament winding, pultrusion and prepreg preparation. Major technical hurdles to be overcome include achieving complete fiber wet-out, mininmizing voids, and attaining the high throughputs required for in-line operation with high speed automated filament winding equipment. The planned approach take maximum advantage of the thermal, fluid and mechanical characteristics of the components to achieve an optimized system.
Benefits: Thermoplastic composites offer long term performance and cost advantages in a wide range of military and commercial applications. The in-line impregnation module will aid the production of thermoplastic composite components on existing automated filament winding, pultrusion and prepreg preparation equipment.
Keywords: Thermoplastics Composites Fibers Pultrusion Impregnation Manufacturing Filament Winding