The object of this project is to develop a set of structural concepts that will lead to lighter/ smaller ground combat vehicles. In addition, a preliminary design of test methods for evaluating the concepts will be developed. Available data from the various studies of advanced vehicles will be utilized. The project effort will consist of six tasks: 1) survey of promising weight reduction technologies 2) development of structural concepts 3) preliminary analysis of concepts 4) perform cost/weight comparisons 5) preliminary design of test methods 6) final reports in task 1 the survey will include new and potential materials, structural designs, survivability methodology, lethal mechanisns, crew reduction and automation. In task 2 the results of the survey and the experience of si in the area of design and testing of equipment for the tactical nuclear battlefield will be used to develop a set of structural concepts. In task 3 the preliminary analyses of the concepts will be performed. Cost/weight comparisons of the set will be made in task 4. In task 5 a preliminary design of test methods for evaluating the set of structural concepts will be developed. A final report will be prepared in task 6.
Keywords: advanced ground combat vehicle survivable advanced tactical ground vehicle test method structural