Improved Radar Tracking Against Chaff Countermeasures
Award last edited on: 12/18/2014

Sponsored Program
Awarding Agency
DOD : Army
Total Award Amount
Award Phase
Solicitation Topic Code
Principal Investigator
Wayne A Sefcik

Company Information

Pinson Associates

PO Box 9648
Austin, TX 78766
   (512) 837-2904
Location: Single
Congr. District: 10
County: Travis

Phase I

Contract Number: N/A
Start Date: 00/00/00    Completed: 00/00/00
Phase I year
Phase I Amount
This proposed program is to investigate the feasibility of using unique filtering techniques to process pulse-to-pulse rcs and phase data to track an air vehicle in the presence of chaff. The proposed techniques would permit tracking the aircraft with or without the presence of chaff. It is anticipated that this instrumentation could be added to any coherent or semi-coherent radar and be far superior to the present mti and other anti-clutter techniques. The feasibility will be investigated by using actual pulse-to-pulse rcs and phase data collected in the trial mace iii program in 1982 wherein large amounts of data were collected on five types of helicopters and 15 types of fi xed wing aircraft.


Phase II

Contract Number: N/A
Start Date: 00/00/00    Completed: 00/00/00
Phase II year
Phase II Amount
This proposed program is to conduct the principal research and development effort to provide the capability to do radar tracking of air targets without a chaff countermeasure environment. It will consist of trade off studies to define the detailed requirements and specifications of an operational system, followed by the design and fabrication of a limited capability brass board system and ending with a limited field test to validate the approach and technique. Data will be processed and analyzed to establish any operational limitations that may possibly exist. The possibility of using the approach and techniques proven feasible in phase I, to find and identify air targets in a saturation chaff environment will also be investigated.
