SkyLock: Robust Missile Pose with Uncertainty
Award last edited on: 5/17/2023

Sponsored Program
Awarding Agency
Total Award Amount
Award Phase
Solicitation Topic Code
Principal Investigator
Daniel Crispell

Company Information

Vision Systems Inc (AKA: VSI)

10 Hemingway Drive
Riverside, RI 02915
   (401) 427-0860
Location: Single
Congr. District: 01
County: Providence

Phase I

Contract Number: N/A
Start Date: 6/1/2022    Completed: 5/31/2024
Phase I year
Phase I Amount
Direct to Phase II

Phase II

Contract Number: FA9550-22-C-0006
Start Date: 6/1/2022    Completed: 5/31/2024
Phase II year
Phase II Amount
Estimating pose of missiles in flight from ground-based imagery presents a variety of challenges, such as low-resolution imagery, varying lighting conditions, cluttered background, and poor contrast between target and background. 3D models of the target object can simplify the problem by providing a strong constraint on the space of possible target poses. VSI proposes SkyLock, a robust and efficient framework for missile pose estimation and uncertainty characterization, leveraging 3D models to estimate pose of in-flight missiles from 2D imagery. The targeted audience for this proposal is the community of analysts and scientists tasked with test and evaluation of missiles and missile defense systems. VSI is uniquely suited to this project, offering significant expertise in model-based 3D pose estimation for challenging real-world conditions across several disparate domains; extensive experience in the development of innovative software solutions for challenging defense and intelligence problems; and a thorough understanding of the needs of digital engineering scientists across the defense and intelligence community.