HiTECC 2.0: Turbine Based Combined Cycle (TBCC) Propulsion System Modeling & Simulation Platform for Future Hypersonic Vehicles
Award last edited on: 9/12/22

Sponsored Program
Awarding Agency
Total Award Amount
Award Phase
Solicitation Topic Code
Principal Investigator
Mehrdad Pakmehr

Company Information

optoXense Inc

3343 Chartwell Street
San Ramon, CA 94583
   (678) 848-7514
Location: Single
Congr. District: 10
County: Contra Costa

Phase I

Contract Number: FA8649-21-P-1091
Start Date: 4/14/21    Completed: 7/19/21
Phase I year
Phase I Amount
Future Turbine Based Combined Cycle (TBCC) propulsion systems require control during transient mode and managing aerodynamic and thermal limits. Challenges are to establish a stable mode transition while maintaining propulsion performance and operability, avoid inlet and/or engine unstart, and mitigate low/high speed inlet/engine interactions. To address these issues, optoXense proposes to develop non-classified TBCC engine model/s suitable for control algorithm development. A preliminary TBCC dynamic model, High Mach Transient Engine Cycle Code (HiTECC), has been developed under NASA, DARPA, and Air Force funding, to demonstrate all modes of operation and transition. In this project we will upgrade HiTECC to a integrated tool, HiTECC 2.0, with modules modeling each of the TBCC systems whose interactions/controllability affect thrust and operability. By structuring the simulation around the major TBCC functional modes of operation (Dry Turbojet, Afterburning Turbojet, Transition, and Dual Mode Ramjet/Scramjet), mode transition and all intermediate events can be developed, modeled, and validated. optoXense-Spiritech team will: (a) Increase fidelity of lift and drag curves by developing representative lift and drag using CFD, and (b) Perform optimization studies of integrated system: optimization of trajectory, optimization of mode transition (including flight point) optimize control system, evaluate options for propulsion system control.

Phase II

Contract Number: ----------
Start Date: 00/00/00    Completed: 00/00/00
Phase II year
Phase II Amount