Heavy Vertical Lift Rotary UAS
Award last edited on: 6/3/2021

Sponsored Program
Awarding Agency
Total Award Amount
Award Phase
Solicitation Topic Code
Principal Investigator
Brian Riese

Company Information

Phenix Solutions Inc

4091 Ridge Court
West Linn, OR 97068
   (503) 851-1659

Research Institution

University of Alaska

Phase I

Contract Number: FA8649-21-P-0037
Start Date: 12/18/2020    Completed: 6/18/2021
Phase I year
Phase I Amount
Technical feasibility – Phenix Solutions Heavy Vertical Lift Rotary UAS is a Multi-Mission Autonomous Vertical Lift UAS developed to lift, transport, and deliver heavy loads Beyond Visual Line of Sight. This innovative technology gives access to demanding, extreme, and remote areas. This platform and associated mission equipment delivers a diverse set of capabilities that require heavy lift (>1000lbs) consisting of cargo or supplies that are solid, liquid, or even personnel. This capability is built on the foundation the Team’s extensive portfolio of proven commercial solutions, world-wide; and adapted to Phenix UAS solutions. This includes aerial fire attack, illicit crop eradication, safe transport and deliver of bulky and heavy loads at minimal cost, and without endangering pilot or crew. The Team represents world leading design, manufacturing, and certification of aerial application systems; built over a 74 year history, of supplying innovative designs, high quality craftsmanship and proven solutions. Technical Merit: This capability is built on the foundation of our extensive portfolio of proven commercial solutions, world-wide. This includes aerial fire attack, illicit crop eradication, safe transport and deliver of bulky and heavy loads at minimal cost, and without endangering pilot or crew. Team: Phenix Solutions Inc., is a Veteran Owned Small Business, Non-Traditional Defense Contractor and is Teamed with Simplex Aerospace, Research Institute, University of Alaska deliver UAS expertise, know how, and platform solutions. We pair this with world leading design, manufacturing, and certification of aerial application systems; built over 74 years of supplying innovative designs, high quality craftsmanship and proven solutions. The FAA's University of Alaska UAS Test Site, a.k.a. the Alaska Test Site, is one of the seven FAA UAS Test sites. The Alaska Test Site includes UAS test ranges in Alaska, California, Hawaii, Kansas, Mississippi, and Oregon collectively known as the Pan-Pacific UAS Test Range Complex (PPUTRC). The University of Alaska's Center of Excellence for UAS, the Alaska Center for UAS Integration (ACUASI), oversees the Alaska Test Site and operations at all of the PPUTRC ranges. The PPUTRC ranges provide UAS manufacturers and other users access to seven climate zones, a diversity of testing support, and a variety of airspace access. The Alaska UAS Test Site supports research and test activities related to public operations for aerospace, biological, and natural resources research, civil/commercial operations, mixed manned and unmanned operations, and aircraft technology development, especially in the areas of detect and avoid and the other technologies necessary to enable beyond visual line of sight operations. Commercialization: The tangible commercial benefits of this solution can be summed up in three words: ?Science, Safety, ?and ?Savings.

Phase II

Contract Number: ----------
Start Date: 00/00/00    Completed: 00/00/00
Phase II year
Phase II Amount