Decentralized Remote ID for Air Vehicles: Optimization of Low Latency, Scalable Data Networks Via Emulation, Modeling and Simulation - PHASE II
Award last edited on: 5/14/2021

Sponsored Program
Awarding Agency
Total Award Amount
Award Phase
Solicitation Topic Code
Principal Investigator
Larry Howard

Company Information

Pierce Aerospace LLC

4605 Buckingham Court
Carmel, IN 46033
   (317) 201-3971

Research Institution

University of Notre Dame

Phase I

Contract Number: FA8649-21-P-0116
Start Date: 12/10/2020    Completed: 6/10/2021
Phase I year
Phase I Amount
The Pierce Aerospace and Notre Dame teams will evaluate and select (Phase I) and develop (Phase II, Phase III) a network emulation and/or modeling and simulation product that can be used to effectively characterize alternate network architectures, transport mechanisms, data protocols, messaging patterns and decentralized identifiers [3] with verifiable credentials [4] for effective unmanned aircraft remote ID and tracking.

Phase II

Contract Number: FA8649-22-P-0798
Start Date: 3/11/2022    Completed: 6/12/2023
Phase II year
Phase II Amount
Pierce Aerospace proposes to advance Phase I work in Phase II to further enhance Remote ID prototype emulation and simulation capabilities. The emulator directly addresses the FAA Remote ID and Tracking rule, released in April 2021. The scope and importance of this adaptation of the Phase I prototype emulator directly addresses immediate challenges of tracking and providing secure sUAS identity at the edge in fixed and mobile configurations. This adaptation provides insight, planning and high level security to emergent RID networks and IoT-related information networks.