Overall Summary Company: AMGI Animation LLC. is an independent integrated animation studio that creates, develops, produces and distributes Pixar/Disney quality animated character properties utilizing unprecedented breakthrough real-time technology for its pipeline of intellectual properties. Our focus is fast prototyping and production tech for both Military and Commercial applications. Our animation process makes us unique. We create animated characters who interact with photo real objects, people and creatures in virtual environments. We do this in realtime and make changes as the content is created. Technical : We intend to position the further development of our R&D initiatives in Phase 2 and 3 to show how our realtime animation process can be essential in Maintenance training programs, pilot training and battlefield deployment. Concept Development. Content development. Visualizations. Man-to-Man terrain. Fly-thrus and real mission simulations. We are an Epic MegaGrant recipient for pioneering realtime animation work within the Unreal Engine. We own patent pending technology in whole body motion capture/facial motion capture technology. Our tech applies unique motion algorithms and rapidly generates entirely new performances. We mix highest quality animation with cutting edge technology to enable us to become the worlds fastest, high-quality animation studio. Research Institution - VTTI. We have a subcontractor relationship with VTTI (Virginia Tech Institute of Transportation) to provide technology and R & D support as our University Partner. VTTI capabilities include: Human Factors Engineering, Flight Simulations, Virtual simulations CAD, Virtual Prototypes and Miniature models. Team: Our Creative and Technology team is led by Colin Brady director, creative producer, story and animation supervisor who has worked at Pixar, Industrial Light and Magic, Rhythm and Hues and Pixomondo and has directed animation for Steven Spielberg, George Lucas, Ang Lee, John Lasseter and Martin Scorsese. Colin has a keen understanding of both creative and technical production pipelines; has successfully led creative teams and has directed on such films as Toy Story 1 and 2, and Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles.