The information age and rapid development of technology across various industry sectors has resulted in isolated microscopic pockets of innovation, within larger, and at-times even more fragmented ecosystems within public and private markets. The overall goal of OmniSync is to build software that acts like connective tissue around the entire innovation landscape of the country, creating collaborative opportunities among otherwise siloed efforts. Herein, we are proposing to build a DoD Platform One-hosted, interconnected, and searchable single database of all innovation-driven projects from entities internal and external to the US Air Force, including past SBIR/STTR awardees, SBIR/STTR/Challenge applicants, academic researchers, entities new to the government, as well as past/present projects at the various DoDx labs and software factories. Through this database, DoD stakeholders will be able to rapidly surface internal and external non-traditional innovative solutions to solve DoD problem statements across various technology areas. Furthermore, a potential stakeholder may also kick-off collaborative new projects with the matched innovation-provider.