We have developed components for quantum technology that can be leveraged in PNT devices, including a Miniaturized Vacuum Cell (MVC), Optical Trap and laser geometry that are 80% smaller and 60% less expensive than commercial off the shelf options. This enables a multitude of improved capabilities. These components can be used to develop an portable atomic clock, theoretically accurate to within a second after three years, that would be very useful for timing needs particularly when connecting to centralized clocks is not possible or advisable. In addition the components can be critical to develop quantum sensors such as quantum accelerometers and gravimeters that amongst their many uses could function as an inertial positioning system, theoretically accurate to within an inch after three years, for when there is no access to GPS or similar, or GPS signals are potentially spoofed or jammed. Beyond these uses, the components could be a key element in many other quantum technologies, including quantum computing and quantum communications.