The need to deliver cargo to remote locations and in any weather is one of the greatest needs of commercial cargo companies. Helicopters have traditionally filled this need, but helicopters are expensive to acquire, operate and maintain, and are limited in cargo capacity, distance and speed. Air Cargo companies and the Department of Defense have similar requirements in delivery of air cargo. Sabrewing has designed and is currently building a Semi Autonomous/Autonomous Heavy Lift Unmanned Cargo eVTOL that is capable of carrying up to 6000 pounds of payload in industry-standard cargo containers. This aircraft is capable of landing and taking off vertically, flying faster, farther and higher than any helicopter in any weather, and capable of landing in the remotest areas on earth in any weather. It also uses the same fuel, tools and training that current commercial cargo operators use, and is half the to two-thirds the acquisition cost of a helicopter, 60% better fuel economy and only 14% the cost to maintain than a helicopter of the same cargo capacity.