Bloomlife is a womens health company that conducts medical research to address underserved global challenges in maternal health and creates consumer products that help expectant mothers track and understand progressions in their pregnancy journeys. The company has developed the Bloomlife Pregnancy Tracker that makes contraction tracking easy by not requiring manual calculation. The tracker allows mothers to view, count, and time their contractions through an automatic hands-free monitor that discreetly adheres to the abdomen non-invasively with a gentle patch that can be worn anytime for any duration. The monitor connects via Bluetooth with the Bloomlife Pregnancy Tracker app, which mothers can download on their iOS or Android devices to immediately start obtaining contraction data from the tracker. Once the mother is wearing the tracker, a recording session can be started and she can view feedback on her contractions in real-time on her app. Contraction activity is detailed in data such as graphs marked with durations and times of the day that contractions occur, as well as pattern information, including 1-hour contraction pattern bars and statistics that present average frequencies and durations. Because the tracker is 100% passive, it does not transmit energy into the body, nor does it use ultrasound.