While the Kelvi Pro is currently being used by several NCAA and professional sports teams, physical therapy clinics, and a small group of US DoD customers, there are a number of modifications that will make the unit more robust and meet additional requirements of the DoD. Currently, we are only able to use the technology when connected directly to a power source. We would like to be able to offer a battery pack, per the suggestion of multiple military personnel at various US locations. This would allow for use of the Kelvi Pro in exercise training and operational settings. We believe that this would allow medical personnel to deliver the best standard of care in treatment of soldiers, whether in the clinical or operational setting. Secondly, we would like to deliver a core-body-cooling solution, based on research by Stanford University, that shows the ability to quickly and efficiently decrease core-body temperatures by cooling patientsÂ’ hands in relation to heat related illnesses experienced in extreme environments. Service members constantly battle extreme environmental conditions, and the hand-station would be a technology that simplifies the current practice of bringing in large quantities of ice, water, and tub and requiring submersion for the worst cases.