Advanced casualty care training is currently used by local, state and federal tactical teams, most branches of military and international security forces. To address concerns of access to critical care skills practice in an advanced learning environment; Link To Learn combines enhanced cadaveric capabilities and logistic support for the next level of advanced clinical and field training. Mobility, designed to accommodate the need for different training environments, brings the next level of training to you; whether itâs on base, an austere environment, or anywhere in between. Vertically integrated to offer a turn-key solution to meet the needs of your training program. The proposed trial will offer an advanced, high level, continuing education enhancements that raise the bar on current Tactical Combat Casualty Care training. Our Logistical Support Team travels to your specified training location to provide enhanced proprietary preserved cadavers to be integrated with current Clinical âTabletopâ Courses, for realistic and anatomically correct skills practice, and Tactical Medical Field Training, to use in mission simulations to provide desensitization training and the opportunity to assess, triage, and treat traumatic injuries prior to needing these skills on the battlefield. Proprietary cadaver preparation provides the end user with enhanced safety, ergonomic functionality, and unparalleled reliability. Enhancements for current training that bolsters battlefield readiness by providing continuing education for combat casualty skills training that, reinforces protocol knowledge, strengthens critical thinking and decision making, and provides hands-on experience to perform life-saving proced