IRIS provides: a multipath data router, L-Band and terrestrial radio data links, beyond-line-of-sight, secure voice and text communications, persistent, bidirectional, TCP/IP datalink maintained under rotor wings, a network firewall, extensive on-board data collection, on-board data processing, collection of high-definition voice and video, 802.1 Wi-Fi, the ability to host third-party applications, and 256-bit ASE Encryption. At this time, IRIS is provisioned to collect data from Ethernet-connected sensors, serial-connected sensors (RS232, 422, 485, USB), ARINC 717 and 429, frequency- generating sources, and a wide variety of discrete source types. The internal architecture of IRIS lends itself well to the acceptance of other sensor interfaces. Application Programming Interfaces (APIs) are provided for hosted applications to facilitate access to data routes and data sources. We believe there are likely DOD use cases for hosted applications with access to sensor data and bidirectional data links. The current IRIS software user interfaces are designed to make collected data easily and quickly consumable. The consumption of data by automated systems is favored wherever possible. Any new custom interfaces needed to meet DOD needs will follow this design philosophy. IRIS includes a robust data communications routing system. It maintains a persistent TCP/IP network connection utilizing logic to select the most appropriate data gateway for a given task. Two of the IRIS LRUs contain Solid State Drives (SSDs) for data caching and storage. These have a capacity of 60 gigabytes but can be sized to meet the need. Real-time discrimination of data is used to determine what data is forwarded into the large ecosystem. We have built APIs for the various databases associated with IRIS. We can customize these as needed for DOD stakeholders. The three LRUs which make up IRIS run the Linux operating system. The security tools and protocols available for Linux are well developed and easily administered. We have received FAA (Federal Aviation Administration) and EASA (European Aviation Safety Administration) Parts Manufacturing Authority for the IRIS system. Our manufacturing procedures are well established and highly scalable. Because IRIS is already a successful commercial product, much of the non-recurring engineering costs (NRE) have already been absorbed. This will allow us to provide