The Standard Stand-Alone Space Environment Workbench
Award last edited on: 1/13/2020

Sponsored Program
Awarding Agency
Total Award Amount
Award Phase
Solicitation Topic Code
Principal Investigator
Jonathan Fisher

Company Information

Fifth Gait Technologies (AKA: 5TH GAIT)

5531 Somerset Drive
Santa Barbara, CA 93111
   (805) 964-1496
Location: Single
Congr. District: 24
County: Santa Barbara

Phase I

Contract Number: FA9453-19-P-0535
Start Date: 12/12/2018    Completed: 12/12/2019
Phase I year
Phase I Amount
Fifth Gait plans to rapidly prototype and complete the S3E workbench demonstration during this Phase Ibased upon our Phase I/III SIRE2 (Space Ionizing Radiation Environment and Effects)Toolkit developed for the Missile Defense Agency. The Fifth Gait team includes Dr. Jonathan Fisher (PI), Dr. Jim Adams (the creator of CREME86), his graduate student (Zachary Robinson, a PhD Candidate at the University of Alabama at Huntsville), and Vanderbilt's Institute of Space and Defense Electronics (ISDE). Fifth Gait Technologies recently completed V1.4 of the Space Ionizing Environments and Effects (SIRE2) toolkit that provide many of the attributes requested by the AF182-070 SBIR Topic. SIRE2 was developed by enhancing NASA licensed technology via an MDA Phase I and III SBIR. SIRE2 provides legacy satellite and new arbitrary trajectory (i.e., missile/space vehicle) assessments with new state of the art environment models.SIRE2 also includes the new state of the art Robinson-Adams Solar Particle Model.Standard Stand-alone Space Environment (S3E) Workbench,SIRE2,Space Ionizing Radiation Environments and Effects,single event effects,ionizing dose,Solar Storm,Trapped Radiation,Cosmic rays

Phase II

Contract Number: FA8649-20-C-0296
Start Date: 7/29/2020    Completed: 10/29/2022
Phase II year
Phase II Amount
Fifth Gait rapidly prototyped and completed the Standalone Standard Space Environment Workbench (S3EW) demonstration during this Phase I based upon our Phase I/III SIRE2 (Space Ionizing Radiation Environment and Effects) Toolkit developed for the Missile Defense Agency. We plan to extend this capability during Phase II focusing on software development of the environment and effects models that are already in our practice noting that these models meet AFRL requirements. The Fifth Gait team includes Dr. Jonathan Fisher (PI), Dr. Jim Adams (the creator of CREME86), his graduate student (Zachary Robinson, a PhD Candidate at the University of Alabama at Huntsville), Jonathan Z. Fisher (Fifth Gait’s lead software engineer) and Applied Research Associates (Mr. David Hope, our senior software engineer). Fifth Gait Technologies recently completed V1.5 of the Space Ionizing Environments and Effects (SIRE2) toolkit that provide many of the attributes requested by the AF182-070 SBIR Topic. SIRE2 was developed by enhancing NASA licensed technology via an MDA Phase I and III SBIR. SIRE2 provides legacy satellite and new arbitrary trajectory (i.e., missile/space vehicle) assessments with new state of the art environment models. SIRE2 also includes the new state of the art MSSREM Solar Particle Model.