Phase II year
(last award dollars: 1689510934)
Origin is excited to build upon our successes with the USAF with our medium format additive manufacturing (AM) system by continuing and expediting work on our large format system. Our large format system will significantly increase the build volume (by nearly 4x to between 0.5 and 1 cubic foot) and, thus, array of potential applications, enabling greater flexibility for the USAF with large builds, while still taking advantage of all the Origin performance increases over other AM systems. These performance enhancements include but are not limited to: an over 10x increase in end-to-end production times, a 1.5 - 2x increase in accuracy and resolution, and a wider and more quickly evolving set of materials. We're proud of our work for the Air Force and want to continue adding high-value capabilities. In working with our current Air Force stakeholders, we found that our medium format system leaves room for expansion upon build volume in order to accommodate greater throughput and acceptance of larger parts. Origin is pleased to develop mission-critical capabilities for the USAF for this Direct-to-Phase II project and has additional commitments of over $5 million from venture capital and other partners to contribute to the success of this project.