Phase II Amount
The Blue Cedar platform provides a solution to rapidly incorporate those SDKs into the Air Force applications including GOTS and COTS apps for which the Air Force does not own the source code. We use advanced techniques to make the complex and error-prone process of integrating BlackBerry security controls into mobile apps appear to be trivial. It completely analyzes mobile apps, including 3rd-party libraries, and discerns API calls all the way from the app level (Layer 7) to the network level (Layer 3). The process of unpacking apps, scanning them to find integration points, intercepting the appropriate function calls that can run into the tens of thousands, overriding classes and methods, making static changes in app binaries, enabling runtime trapping, and more is completely invisible and is performed automatically. Only a solution that has this level of visibility can reliably perform no-code integration of BlackBerry security controls into apps. These capabilities are delivered as a SaaS cloud solution and follow a self service usage model which allows users to simply upload a compiled app binary to the platform which will subsequently inject the SDK libraries and the Blue Cedar tech into the binary. After this injection is completed, the platform automates the process of signing the app after which the integrated app binaries can be downloaded and distributed through normal app distribution methods.