EXSUM - Expand Key Leader Decision Space
Award last edited on: 6/24/2023

Sponsored Program
Awarding Agency
Total Award Amount
Award Phase
Solicitation Topic Code
Principal Investigator
Brian Irish

Company Information

Node Centric Solutions LLC

555 East Pikes Peak Avenue Suite 120
Colorado Springs, CO 80903
   (402) 250-1681
Location: Single
Congr. District: 05
County: El Paso

Phase I

Contract Number: FA8649-19-P-A006
Start Date: 8/2/2019    Completed: 8/2/2020
Phase I year
Phase I Amount
EXSUM is an executive summary level Space Situational Awareness (SSA) monitoring, planning, and tasking dashboard for mission commanders. Operators spend hours to produce static representations of the space environment through PowerPoint and other manually intensive means. The minimum viable product (MVP) aims to reduce manual operator tasks through a continuously updated situation dashboard, flexible for expansion as mission needs change.

Phase II

Contract Number: FA8808-20-C-0029
Start Date: 11/6/2019    Completed: 11/6/2020
Phase II year
Phase II Amount
EXSUM is an executive summary level Battle Management, Command and Control dashboard enabling real-time updates to the current operations picture. Utilizing a shared infrastructure and data lake, mission directors will monitor, assess, and task crews to maintain and direct updates to the operations floor situational context.