Electronically dimmable materials with sufficiently strong visible transmission shift, color neutrality, durability and switching speeds have eluded development since the search began nearly half a century ago. We demonstrate the potential for dynamic optical dimming using plasmonic nanostructures with electrodynamic simulations of promising plasmonic metamaterial architectures. In order to achieve dynamic transmission, we take advantage of the plasmon retardation effect in which the nanostructure resonance frequency is tuned through subtle changes in device configuration. We investigate the use of aluminum and silver nanostructures, taking advantage of their broad tunability through the ultraviolet (off-state) into the visible (on-state) spectral range. We investigate two distinct schemes to realize a tunable transmission layer, i) electrochemical tuning of the material index vicinal to plasmonic nanostructures and ii) reversible self-assembly of small nanostructures into larger macrostructures; both of these techniques introduce a spectral redshift of the active material. The schemes described are investigated through electrodynamics simulations, and the feasibility for prototype fabrication and ultimate scale up and commercialization is discussed. The proposed technology will have direct commercial value in military applications, particularly in protective glasses and visors for Air Force pilots.