Accurate predictive modeling of certain atmospheric phenomena suffers from a dearth of information. In situ measurements are currently made through the use of balloon borne soundings or dropsondes which can provide measurements over the entire vertical profile, but are limited to sampling over a small time period. In situ measurements can be augmented with satellites, however, these suffer from its relatively low spatial density and limited frequency of measurement. A need exists for targeted in situ data, in a repeatable manner and using a recoverable vehicle. BST proposes to modify our existing S0 UAS into a purpose built vehicle for performing atmospheric soundings. Making use of the latest developments in wind velocity measurements, this UAS will be able to provide all of the necessary measurements for accurate modeling, while maintaining a compact form factor. Given the vehicle will be purpose built for atmospheric sampling, the data products will be in standardized formats for assimilation into current models, and will feature control algorithms allowing for advanced mission profiles, including sensor reactive control. This will allow for the vehicle to obtain a unique data set, with sampling focused around the areas of interest, an advanced capability unavailable through any other current technology.