Operational Outer Zone Energetic Charged Particle Model
Award last edited on: 5/27/2022

Sponsored Program
Awarding Agency
Total Award Amount
Award Phase
Solicitation Topic Code
Principal Investigator
Philipa Njau

Company Information

Space Sciences Innovations Inc

2241 Vanderveer pl.
Brooklyn, NY 11226

Research Institution

University of California - Los Angeles

Phase I

Contract Number: FA9453-18-P-0221
Start Date: 3/2/2018    Completed: 3/2/2019
Phase I year
Phase I Amount
The goal of the proposed work is to provide the Air Force with a state-of-the-art model of the outer zone energetic charged particles, including data assimilation capabilities. The UCLA-developed Versatile Electron Radiation Belt (VERB) model will be optimized for various measurements obtained on various satellite orbits by different instruments. We will transfer VERB code to SSI, test and validate it. We will perform data assimilation using LEO, MEO, and GEO satellites, develop documentation, and adapt the codes to Air Force needs and requirements.

Phase II

Contract Number: FA9453-19-C-0619
Start Date: 9/5/2019    Completed: 9/5/2021
Phase II year
Phase II Amount
Near-Earth space environment is hazardous to satellites. This harsh particle radiation can penetrate protective shielding, accumulate in sensitive materials and can damage even well shielded electronic components causing temporary malfunctions or a complete system/mission loss. The goal of the proposed work is to provide the Air Force with a state-of-the-art model of the outer zone energetic elections that will include data assimilation capabilities. Data assimilation allows us to utilize a vast array of data, including information at various radial distances and from various satellites to reconstruct the global state of the outer radiation belt. Satellites on different orbits, with different detectors that vary in the range of energies and accuracy, can be naturally included in the analysis of the global state of the system.The work plan of PHASE II is based on the achievements and demonstrated capabilities of PHASE I and detailed discussions with AFRL staff on AFRL needs and requirements. While this product will provide great immediate and mid to long term benefits to the Air Force for its operational fleet of satellites, there is a strong potential commercial market as well.