Extending the Scope of Applications of Kestrel to Parachute Deployment and Aircraft Braking
Award last edited on: 5/17/2023

Sponsored Program
Awarding Agency
Total Award Amount
Award Phase
Solicitation Topic Code
Principal Investigator
Goeric Daeninck

Company Information

CMSoft Inc (AKA: CM Soft Inc)

2225 East Bayshore Road Suite 215
Palo Alto, CA 94303
   (650) 898-9585

Research Institution

Virginia Tech

Phase I

Contract Number: FA9550-18-P-0020
Start Date: 9/15/2018    Completed: 9/15/2018
Phase I year
Phase I Amount
The main objective of this STTR Phase I effort is two-fold. First, to develop a robust approach for coupling the flow solver Kestrel with the multidisciplinary software tool AERO Suite in order to enable the physics-based modeling and simulation of the dynamics of Aerodynamics Decelerator Systems (ADS) such as parachutes from deployment to terminal velocity or terminal descent and touchdown, and the effect of such ADS on bodies of interest. Second, to demonstrate its feasibility. The key components of this approach are a Chimera-based overlapping domain decomposition method for coupling Kestrel and AERO-F in space, and a stable and second-order flexible procedure for coupling them in time. The key enablers of the resulting simulation capability are the following pillars of AERO Suite for the simulation of highly nonlinear fluid-structure interaction problems: the second-order embedded boundary method FIVER (Finite Volume method with Exact two-material Riemann problems) for achieving robustness with respect to large structural motions and deformations, self-contact, and topological changes; the associated adaptive mesh refinement module for tracking boundary layers, shocks, and other flow features and keeping them at all times well resolved; and the corresponding dynamic load balancing strategy for achieving acceptable parallel performance on DoD HPCMP architectures.

Phase II

Contract Number: FA9550-22-C-0012
Start Date: 9/30/2022    Completed: 12/31/2024
Phase II year
Phase II Amount
During Phase I of this STTR project, CMSoft and Virginia Tech completed the design of a Chimera-based approach for coupling Kestrel with AERO Suite in order to enable: the simulation of parachute inflation dynamics and various other operations of Aerodyna