To take advantage of different properties of electronic material systems, hybrid circuits have been previously developed for some applications, such as high frequency DC-DC convertors and high power amplifiers. There are further advantages in monolithic integration of different material systems, including improved device performance and reliability, and reduced size and weight, which are all very important for satellite payloads. In this program, we propose to monolithically integrate high frequency InGaAs-based HEMTs grown on Si(100) with high-power GaN-based HEMTs, using a proprietary metal buffer developed for low-defect growth of GaN films. ?The main goal is to combine three key capabilities including 1) deposition of lattice matched metal buffers, 2) growth of high quality GaN and InGaAs epitaxial films, and 3) fabrication of high performance GaN- and InGaAs-based transistors, in order to demonstrate the feasibility of producing monolithically integrated microwave circuits (MIMCs) that can take advantage of unique properties of up to 3 material systems (GaN, GaAs, and Si) on large diameter Si(100) substrates.
Benefit:Monolithic integration of wide bandgap GaN-base electronic devices with high frequency InGaAs-based devices, can result in high performance, more reliable, and lower cost electronic circuits for many civilian, scientific, and military applications, including broad band high power amplifiers (HPAs) and high efficiency power management electronics, as well as lighter and less bulky electronic payload for satellites.