Reduced-Order Fluid-Thermal-Structural Interactions Model for Control System Design and Assessment
Award last edited on: 6/19/2015

Sponsored Program
Awarding Agency
Total Award Amount
Award Phase
Solicitation Topic Code
Principal Investigator
Clare Savaglio

Company Information

Applied Dynamics International Inc (AKA: ADI)

2408 Antietam Drive
Ann Arbor, MI 48105
   (734) 973-1300
Location: Multiple
Congr. District: 12
County: Washtenaw

Phase I

Contract Number: ----------
Start Date: ----    Completed: ----
Phase I year
Phase I Amount
The proposed research will examine innovative approaches for real time simulation of the coupled fluid-thermal-structural response of hypersonic muntions operating on terminal trajectories for the purpose of high-fidelity closed-loop guidance and control. This will be accomplished by combining state-of-the-art model reduction approaches for CFD aerothermodynamics and FEM thermo-structural dynamics of hypersonics with novel real-time simulation capabilities. The goal is a real-time multi-fidelity, multi-physics computational simulation framework that will enable robust and trusted operations and decisions for munitions operating on terminal hypersonic trajectories (e.g. Mach 6-12, 80 kft to sea level).

High-speed weapons represent a game changing technology that are essential for maintaining air & space superiority, and by extension, national security of the U.S. However, successful development of such systems is currently obstructed by a litany of challenges; many of which that stem from: 1) a tight coupling between the aerodynamic, structural, control, and propulsion sub-systems, 2) operation in extremely high energy, combined loading conditions (e.g., fluid, thermal, inertial, and acoustic loads) that drive FTSI, 3) the complexity of maintaining precision in the presence of evolving vehicle properties (caused by FTSI), and 4) the impracticality of conducting ground-based experiments that can tackle these issues.1 As advances are made in FTSI modeling technology a next step is the development of real-time enabled models as real-time simulation is critical for the development of electronic guidance and control systems. Thus, research is needed in order to successfully advance the development of high-speed weapon systems.

CFD aerothermodynamics, FEM thermo-structural dynamics, hypersonics, terminal trajectories

Phase II

Contract Number: ----------
Start Date: ----    Completed: ----
Phase II year
Phase II Amount
This phase II SBIR research project leverages multi-physics simulation technology development performed at the University of Michigan and Ohio State University to create key enabling technology for hypersonic weapon systems development, real-time evaluation, and electronic guidance and control. The proposed effort starts with a proven simulation code base not applicable for real-time applications and systematically progresses through the steps of deconstructing, benchmarking, analyzing, designing, implementing, and documenting a flexible, real-time hypersonic vehicle simulation framework. Other R&D tasks include the addition of launch and cruise phases of flight to the terminal phase already developed, addition of propulsion models, addition of higher-fidelity aerothermodynamic model capability, and the separation of the rigid-body model to enable this portion of the simulation to run in the AFRL lab environment. Documentation deliverables include a range of development plans, design specifications, and user manuals. The main core technology deliverable is the HSV-RT Code Module library. Supporting deliverables include example real-time simulation projects and a PC-based real-time simulation computer running an HSV-RT implementation on COTS hardware.

Commercial potential of the technology resulting from this research investment follows three distinct categories of technology aligned with three stages of commercialization. •Stage A – Commercialization of multi-physics simulation framework software for weapon systems development- HSV-RT Commercializing HSV-RT will involve technology transfer arrangements with the University of Michigan and The Ohio State University. ADI shall take responsibility for selling, maintaining, supporting, and developing forward the HSV-RT product focused on hypersonic weapon systems. •Stage B – Commercialization of multi-physics simulation framework software for wider market development applications – MP-RT The second phase of commercialization shall include expanding the potential addressable market for this multi-physics simulation software by expanding the technology to support a wide set of applications beyond hypersonic weapons. •Stage C – Commercialization of multi-physics simulation and control hardware, e.g. Application Specific Hardware Architecture, for the widest addressable market – HSV-ASHA & MP-ASHA

CFD aerothermodynamics, FEM thermo-structural dynamics, hypersonics, terminal trajectories, real-time simulation