Large correlation length plasma density structures provide complications to communication and surveillance systems that operate using high frequency electromagnetic waves. Such plasma structures can be present in the Earth's ionosphere. We propose the creation of a software simulation suite to model the development and evolution of these ionospheric plasma irregularities. The purpose of this software is to provide a realistic plasma density map for future work involving high frequency electromagnetic wave propagation through the ionosphere. The software shall be designed to be able to model plasma irregularity development on length scales between centimeters and several kilometers and to take into consideration dynamic ionospheric environmental drivers. Accuracy, code efficiency, and usability by non-expert users will be high priorities during software development.
Benefits: The results of the simulations of the proposed work can be used to create an almanac of ionospheric conditions. This almanac can be of useful to other organizations and business in telecommunications or research fields. The results of this research and the Phase II work will provide tools for predicting signal behavior for communication and surveillance purposes.
Keywords: plasma, ionosphere, simulation, HF, next generation over the horizon radar, propagation, scattering, atmosphere