Weather Machine Learning Platform Research to Operations (WxMLP R2O)
Award last edited on: 9/10/2023

Sponsored Program
Awarding Agency
Total Award Amount
Award Phase
Solicitation Topic Code
Principal Investigator
Jeremy Loomis

Company Information

NextGen Federal Systems LLC

1399 Stewartstown Road Suite 350
Morgantown, WV 26505
   (304) 413-0208
Location: Multiple
Congr. District: 02
County: Monongalia

Phase I

Contract Number: FA8750-15-C-0214
Start Date: 7/27/2015    Completed: 4/27/2016
Phase I year
Phase I Amount
Historically, including weather advice within on-going deliberations and planning has relied largely on a time consuming process of disconnected ‘mental fusion’ of various sources from different systems to gain a shared understanding of the “natural” battlespace. The application of weather advice on a near real-time basis has been largely ignored except for very specific missions and locations. The proposed IMPACT system promises to provide innovative/revolutionary ways of dynamically generating/assessing weather constraints on military operations and incorporating the results (weather risk management/advice) into active, agile decision-support applications within high tempo, dynamic environments. It offers a novel approach that: addresses high dimensionality, is built for massive scalability, incorporates uncertainty, produces actionable advice, and is interoperable with USAF systems. During Phase I, the project team will conduct research, design, and prototyping of the IMPACT system in order to assess and demonstrate the technical feasibility of the solution.

Our proposed approach will offer Decision Support Applications, a new set of services and components that can be used to efficiently request constraint generation for planned operational activities and receive actionable advice. This capability could support many USAF weather systems such as JET and WDAC as well as similar systems at US Navy and NOAA. Additionally, many different C2ISR systems (e.g., AMC, NASIC, DCGS-AF, DCGS-A) require similar weather impact/effects analysis.

Decision support, environmental data, gridded data, weather forecasts, weather impacts, weather advice, mission constraints

Phase II

Contract Number: FA8750-17-C-0005
Start Date: 8/27/2019    Completed: 2/27/2021
Phase II year
(last award dollars: 2022)
Phase II Amount

Historically, the inclusion of weather advice within ongoing planning has relied largely on a time consuming process of mental fusion of various information sources from disconnected systems. The application of weather advice on a near real-time ba ---------- NextGen Federal Systems has developed innovative, game-changing software which solves the heretofore insurmountable problem of handling the high-dimensionality and complexity of weather data and its impact to military missions. NGF figured out how to apply On Line Analytical Processing (OLAP) methods to build a continually accumulating, multi-dimensional, multi-resolution weather-forecast data cube that is in turn accessed by novel high-performance algorithms which efficiently evaluate weather constraints, as a function of mission context. Resulting IMPACT functions will provide military commanders and their staffs the ability to automatically compute impact on all planned and executing missions against all the weather all the time. Consequently, commanders will be able to radically mitigate the impact weather has on military operations to dramatically increase strike and mobility operations mission effectiveness.