Nonvolatile memory (NVM) technologies are a critical component of modern satellites. These NVM chipsets perform tasks ranging from storing mission-critical boot code to large multi-gigabyte mission data recorders. This requirement for high-density NVM has shifted focus on to commercial CMOS FLASH. FLASH technologies are capable of high-density devices, compared to resistive or phase-change technologies, and typically scale on pace with Mooreâs Law. However, charge pumps and other CMOS FEOL components face reliability concerns from TID and SEE (heavy ion) radiation exposure. As such, there is an inherent need for the introduction of intrinsically rad-hard carbon nanomaterials into commercial CMOS. Whereas previous wafer-scale processes for carbon nanomaterials have been hindered by device-to-device variation, CVD graphene sheets provide the opportunity to control material quality over a 200-400mm wafer. Harper Laboratories, LLC, the Georgia Institute of Technology, Novati Technologies, and BAE Systems will manufacture a graphene-based FLASH bit cell that is CMOS-compatible and capable of forming multiple commercial suppliers. Novati technologies will provide FEOL and BEOL CMOS fabrication capabilities that, combined with Harper IP, will ready a graphene-based FLASH technology for transition to a high-volume CMOS foundry in Phase III. BAE Systems will provide rad-hard testing to validate the technology.
Benefits: The general anticipated benefit would be a graphene-based FLASH memory technology capable of supporting high-density space memory applications. A secondary benefit is the development of a CMOS-compatible process for patterning graphene devices with low device-to-device variation across a 200-400mm wafer for which a varying number of commercial applications could arise (graphene on-chip interconnects and transistors). In particular, the introduction of a CMOS-compatible graphene processes can provide disruptive shifts in the global semiconductor industry, including post-CMOS technologies.
Keywords: Graphene, Nonvolatile Memory, CMOS-compatible, Chemical Vapor Deposition, Graphene Nanoribbon