The DoD and IC trusted desktop programs have typically been limited to small, fixed numbers of domains due to having to run multiple instances of Microsoft Windows. The next frontier for the DoD and IC is mobile devices, and in this context, Android (and more specifically, SEAndroid) can support Mandatory Access Control separation mechanisms in the core OS via SEAndroid security policies, without relying on micro virtualization techniques in an untrusted OS. This proposal focuses on leveraging SEAndroid policies to enable secure process and app separation in large populations of mobile devices, including research on the best management methodologies and enterprise integration requirements. SEAndroid-based domains could enable better agility for Communities of Interest without compromising on information assurance, and would also allow better isolation of untrusted applications that might contain malware.
Benefit: DroidCloud is an enterprise software company with its technology installed in the DOD, intelligence community and Fortune 100. The agile SEAndroid domain techniques developed in this research effort would be directly transitioned into DroidCloud's Commercial Off The Shelf platform, improving cyber security for both its US Government and commercial customers.
Keywords: Virtualization, SEAn